Camry Owner: 100k camry miles!!!!
Acura Owner: yes 100k! wooooot!
Camry Owner: most epic camry accomplishment is still
SD to Bay Area
no stops
that shit was CRAY
Acura Owner: lol, I was gonna say bay bridge flat tire
Camry Owner: no
no way
that's total snore compared to our one tank of gas
you were there!!!
it was you and me
and no stops
Acura Owner: what's more amazing about that trip
we held our pee in the whole way
Camry Owner: bahahahah yea
Acura Owner: THATS more amazing than 1 tank of gas
1 tank of pee
More amazing?
- Driving 480 miles from SD to the Bay Area on 1 tank of gas?
- Holding your pee for a 480 mile trip?